Windows 8.1 Professional Gigapurbalingga

Download Windows 8.1 Pro 32 / 64-bit ISO (Terbaru 2025)

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Download Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit Full Activated Version

Download Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit Gigapurbalingga diberikan pada tahun 2013 dan merupakan sistem operasi paling terkenal. Selain itu, Windows 8.1 memiliki respons yang lebih baik daripada Windows 8, dengan pengguna memuji kemampuan ekstra yang dapat diakses oleh program dibandingkan dengan Windows 8, serta integrasi OneDrive, penyesuaian antarmuka pengguna, dan penyertaan instruksi tambahan untuk mengoperasikan antarmuka Windows 8.

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Selain peningkatan ini, Windows 8.1 tetap dijadwalkan karena gagal menyelesaikan semua kesalahan Windows 8 (seperti interaksi yang buruk antara program gaya Metro dan desain desktop) dan karena gagal mengatasi kemungkinan konsekuensi privasi peningkatan penggunaan layanan online.

Download Windows 8.1 Pro Full Version mendukung layar resolusi tinggi dengan barang-barang seperti Microsoft Surface Pro, membiarkannya akhirnya bersaing dengan Apple dan Google di pasar dan mengisi daya. Juga, ini termasuk pembaruan pada tata letak pengguna, program baru seperti Flipboard dan Facebook,. Selain itu, Anda dapat membuat latar belakang animasi dan screensaver dari gambar apa pun yang Anda suka.

Features 8.1 64 Bit ISO Terbaru

  • The Personal features in Download Windows 8.1 Pro enable us to change perception of our operating system by using various themes and backgrounds.
  • Also, the enhanced safety of the Window 8.1 contains many kinds of security tools. Such as it contains Windows Defender, that helps to protect our device dangers.
  • Furthermore, the current interface makes it simple to access our programs and settings, and it allows us to operate multiple application at the same time using dual screens mode.
  • Besides this, Windows 8.1 Pro has a number of standard programs, such as mail and calendar. Moreover, Windows 8.1 offers us with notices that help us in staying organized.
  • Microsoft Office for Windows 8.1 includes an annual subscription to Microsoft Office 365, giving us access to essential productivity supplies such as Word and Excel. In PowerPoint it also gives us a lot of help and access to it.

Windows 8.1 Pro Full Setup Details + Activator

  • Software Full Name : Download Windows 8.1 Pro Full Version
  • Setup File Name : W81P22x64.rar & W81nov19x86.Rar
  • Full Setup Size : 3.8 GB & 4 GB
  • Setup Type : Offline Installer ISO With Activator
  • Compatibility Architecture : 64 Bit (x64) & 32 Bit (x86)
  • Latest Release Added On : September 2023

System Requirements Windows 8.1 Pro

  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster
  • RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
  • Storage space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

Cara Install Windows 8 64 bit & 32 bit Full Version

  1. Download Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit that are link given below.
  2. Prepare an empty flash disk of at least 8GB.
  3. Use the Rufus program to create a bootable flash drive.
  4. Select the Windows iso file in the Rufus program, wait for it to finish.
  5. Restart the computer, boot the computer from Flash Disk.
  6. Install Win 8 as usual.
  7. Use an Activator such as KMSpico.

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Download Windows 8.1 Pro 32 / 64-bit ISO (Terbaru 2025)

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